Escrava o que procuras

segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018

Exercícios com Substantivos contáveis e Incontáveis em Inglês

Exercícios 1
Complete os seguintes exercícios com as palavras que estão dentro do quadro. Usa a, an, some e any se  preciso.

Blood                  interview                    coat                        key                         sugar
Buscuit               moment                      decision                 question               electricity

1.         Do you take _______________________ in your coffee?
2.         I had_________________________ for a job yesterday.
3.         Excuse me, but can I ask you______________?
4.         It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing________________?
5.         The heart pumbs________________ through the body.
6.         I’m not ready yet. Can you wait_______________, please?
7.         I coud not get into the house because I didn’t have__________
8.         We can’t delay much longer. We have to make_______________soon.
9.         Are hungry? Would you like_______________ with your cooffee.
10.   Our lives would be very difficult without______________

Exercícios 2
Alguns desses exercícios precisam de (a; an) corrige onde achares necessário.

1.         When I’m on holiday, I usually stay in big house out the town. I usually stay in a big house 
out of the town.
2.         Can you smell paint? ok
3.         He has interview for a job after tomorrow._____________________________.
4.         There is a milk in the fridge._________________________________________.
5.         He built nice big hotel near the sea.___________________________________.
6.         Julie uses toothbrush to brush her teeth._______________________________.
7.         I have important question to make.___________________________________.
8.         Can you tell me if there is school around here? Please.____________________.
9.         I wonder if you can help me. I have problema.___________________________.
10.   What happen was accident._________________________________________.
11.   He has a nice good car______________________________________________.
12.   There is glass of water on the table.___________________________________.

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